Sumi (Yu-Cheng) Hsieh
Sumi Hsieh is a licensed architect and has registered in the state of New York and Washington. Sumi has experiences with commercial, residential, Industrial, mixed-use, and corporate workplace projects in both Asia and the US.
With a strong background in visualization and computational design, he enjoys bringing extensive technical knowledge and skills to his design projects, specializing in integrating local materials. He is proficient in streamlining workflow across design, building details, and construction, as well as optimizing the process through various computational platforms.
Sumi’s hybrid identity as architect-filmmaker-musician uniquely shapes his designs and the collaborative relationships he develops with clients, coworking partners, and designers.
Ellen Chang
PhD Candidate, Cinema & Media Studies
Ellen Y. Chang (she/her) is Director of Arts and Culture at the Taiwan Studies Program at the University of Washington and a Ph.D. Candidate in Cinema & Media Studies. As a simultaneous film scholar and art curator/practitioner, her research examines the transactional encounter among contemporary Taiwanese video art/installation, cinema, and popular culture as processes of aesthetic decolonization. Her recent work on sound and audio walks explores more engaged, sensitive, and practical understandings of how audiovisual art reflects (re-)occurring themes of everyday politics across international geographies.